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The Anxiety of Dasein

Dasein has a past and a possible future time. Its future is not guaranteed. It is out of control, however every little action of Dasein will have a big impact on its future. We see the paradox of choices. We are terrible at making choices among the available options. Dasein is a finite entity and is faced with endless choices for its future. Dasein is constantly under pressure with the existence of time. Time kills Dasein in many ways. It brings anxiety. But what do we mean when we refer to the choices and the limited time. First, we have to understand the nature of time. Time comes to reality when Dasein enter the world as a baby. It’s like a stopwatch from the very first moment when Dasein is born. The stopwatch will stop somewhat somewhere in the life of Dasein. Now we can talk about the available choices for Dasein. Dasein is faced to take action during his time while he has no control over time. In fact, time always dominates Dasein in many ways. Dasein’s decisions is heav
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Self Actualization

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Iran, Culture, Peace

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